Phone : 519-266-4680
Offices : Woodstock • Simcoe • Toronto • North Bay


        Water Resource Studies
        Aggregate Permitting
        Environmental Impact
        Geotechnical Studies
        Air Quality Monitoring

Environmental Compliance and Approval for Businesses

Businesses with various types of operations that may emit contaminants and discharges related to air, noise, waste, and sewage, into the natural environment require an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA). An ECA is typically required for businesses such as: cement, waste, oil refineries, and manufacturing. A single ECA addresses all of a business’s emissions, discharges and wastes. Separate approvals for air, noise and waste are no longer required. The purpose of an ECA is to ensure that your business activities do not have adverse effects on the health of people and the surrounding environment. Environmental compliance is important for businesses to show they are successfully abiding by standards, such as environmental laws, and avoiding any violations which may end up with environmental orders and fines issued by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).

A&A can assist your company with the preparation and submission of ECA applications to the MECP.

A&A can also assist with any additional work related to your ECA as required, such as, annual updates, ECA amendments, and continued monitoring.